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The Growth Chiropractic Advantage

We provide gentle high-tech corrections for headaches, vertigo, low back pain, neck pain, whiplash, and more.


Upper cervical misalignment leads to headaches, neck pain, vertigo, neurological symptoms, nerve pain
  • 3D CBCT Imaging: The Latest Science and Technology

    We utilize the latest 3D Conebeam CT imaging to identify your exact spinal misalignment at the top of your neck, an area commonly affecting everything from low back pain and neck pain to dizziness and digestion! This 3D imaging is more detailed than regular Xrays, giving us more detailed information about you.

  • Sound Wave Correction

    We use our gentle but precise sound wave adjustment table to correct your unique misalignment. There is no twisting popping or cracking involved in this gentle technique.

  • Gentle Adjustments

    We employ a neurologically based method to adjust the rest of the spine—no twisting, cracking, or popping involved. Our approach is gentle, non-invase, and non-intimidating!

Our Practice Members Come To Us With:

  • Neck, Low Back, Mid Back Pain
  • Headaches, Vertigo Dizziness
  • Shoulder Injuries, Shoulder Pain, Scapula Pain
  • Knee, Leg, and Hip Pain
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Constipation
  • Brain Fog
  • Vision Issues
  • Thyroid Issues
  • And More...


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Jacksonville Beach, FL Chiropractor

Check out our Youtube Channel!

At Growth Chiropractic, we've worked with people throughout the Jacksonville area to address issues like vertigo, migraines, accident trauma, postural problems, neck and back pain, and more. This is what our patients have to say about Dr. Chevonne and the team at Growth Chiropractic:

Growth Chiropractic was recently featured on Buzz TV's "Caring About Seniors"

In this episode Dr. Chevonne Horvath talks about using advanced 3D imaging and precise, gentle, soundwave adjustments to correct misalignments in your neck to relieve issues of neck pain, headaches, and vertigo.

Corrective and Wellness Care Plans Using Advanced Imaging and Analysis, Tailored to Your Needs

If you're experiencing headaches, vertigo, or neck pain, you need answers now. These symptoms can impact your quality of life and get in the way of your responsibilities and interests. At Growth Chiropractic in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, we offer a wide range of appointment times to get you in quickly—and we provide a science-based analysis and gentle adjustments to ensure you experience lasting relief.

Using advanced imaging and a variety of precise chiropractic techniques, including Advanced Orthogonal, EPIC upper cervical, Atlas Orthogonal, and Activator (full spine) we offer tailored corrective care and ongoing wellness plans. We utilize Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), a 3D x-ray offering a more detailed image than a traditional x-ray. It's one of the latest advancements in the field, and we're proud to use it at Growth Chiropractic to monitor how your body adapts and changes under your chiropractor's care. It makes it possible for us to adapt your treatment plan as you progress, allowing for a more accurate process that delivers results more quickly.

We're not your typical chiropractor: instead of using a forceful "crack" to realign your spine, we start with gentle techniques that have been in use for more than 60 years. Today, with advanced technology, these processes are more accurate than ever and produce long-lasting results. We utilize traditional adjustments by request or when they're medically necessary.

It's easy for you to schedule appointments, and we take care to explain what's happening in your body and how we can help. Fill out our contact form to book a free consultation in Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Jacksonville Beach, FL Chiropractor
Jacksonville Beach, FL Chiropractor

Personalized Chiropractic Care to Address Your Health Concerns

Our services are tailored to meet your needs, and we adapt your care plan according to how your body responds to treatment. Through it all, we use cutting-edge technology to ensure we're getting the most accurate details about your spine. This is what we do:

Your first cervical vertebra is called the atlas. It protects the brain stem, and all nerves that travel from the brain to the body pass through and around it—so if it's out of alignment, it can negatively impact many different parts of your body, including your muscles, ligaments, and body systems. We start by using gentle sound waves to adjust your atlas, making small improvements over a period of time to achieve lasting relief. Learn more about upper cervical adjustments on our Upper Cervical Chiropractic page.

Many people turn to medications to deal with headaches, but that temporary pain relief doesn't actually solve the problem. At Growth Chiropractic, we look to find the source of your headaches and address it with a personalized treatment plan. Visit our Headaches page to learn more.

Vertigo is a complex condition that can manifest with dizziness, headaches, anxiety, balance issues, double vision, excessive sweating, and more. It's often thought of as a problem with the inner ear, but if those inner ear treatments don't solve the problem, what do you do? It's important to know that your vertigo could be a result of a misalignment in your spine, especially your upper cervical spine. If communication between your brain and the rest of your body is blocked or altered, it could result in vertigo symptoms. Learn more about how we can help you find relief and get back to your daily life on our Vertigo page.

Neck pain very often results from misalignments in the neck, especially the upper cervical spine. This can be caused by a fall, car accident, concussion, whiplash injuries, and even smaller incidents like sleeping in bad positions, sitting in hunched positions for long periods of time, or certain repetitive motions practiced over many years. Even if you misaligned your upper cervical spine in a car crash or sporting accident 20 years ago, getting corrected today can bring pain relief. Visit our Neck Pain page to learn more.

Learn More About Growth Chiropractic and Dr. Chevonne Horvath

Dr. Chevonne Horvath received her Doctorate from the Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida Campus. She also holds a Masters in Medical Science from the University of Florida and a Bachelors of Science in Human Nutrition from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

She is passionate about exploring all holistic forms of healing, taking the most gentle, natural approach first. It is her goal to provide exemplary service with exceptional attention to outcomes and performance. That is why Dr. Chevonne uses "SonusBluePrint" software to track the accuracy of her adjustments, which allows her to make objective and measurable improvements in patient outcomes. Learn more about Dr. Chevonne on our About page.

Chiropractic Therapy For Neck Pain, Vertigo & Headaches in Jacksonville Beach, FL

A Closer Look at What We Do

We don't want you to avoid the chiropractor because you don't know what to expect. We're here to help you understand the process, answer your questions, and use gentle, non-invasive techniques that solve the issues without creating more stress or discomfort for you.

What to Expect When You Start Your Chiropractic Care Plan

At Growth Chiropractic, we follow a simple, proven process and work with determination and focus to ensure you get the results you need to enjoy a higher quality of life. It's easy to get started, and we're here to answer your questions along the way:

Your Upper Cervical Chiropractor Serving Jacksonville Beach, FL, and Nearby Communities

The Growth Chiropractic office is located in Jacksonville, just minutes from the Mayo Clinic, the Jacksonville Golf and Country Club, Patton Park, and Tamaya. We proudly serve patients from Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Queen's Harbor, the Mayport Naval Station, and many other area communities. Fill out our contact form to schedule your free consultation today.

Enhance Your Quality of Life:
Schedule Your Consultation Today

Growth Chiropractic uses high-level technology for a science-based approach to chiropractic care. We start with the simplest, most gentle solutions and monitor your progress over time, never losing sight of the goal: relief from the symptoms that are impacting your quality of life. Dr. Chevonne and the entire office team is friendly and compassionate, and we make it as easy as possible for you to schedule and reschedule appointments.

Even if you've been dealing with vertigo, migraines, or neck pain for years, there still may be a solution for you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a gentle chiropractor in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and get started on the path to pain-free living.

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